The Brest-Belarus Group
Also: Divin, Drogichin, Khomsk, Malech, Telechany
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The Takanot: Rules of Society and Members
The fifth Takana sets out general rules regarding observances, contributions; and the permanence and integrity of the society.

Takanot (4)

20. The members of the society will observe and pray in the Kobryner Beit Midrash on the Sabbath of Torah portion Mishpatim every year. Calling of society members to read from the scrolls will be by a lottery draw.

21. On that particular Sabbath there will be a memorial service for the deceased members.

. He who contributes a lump sum of 25 rubles to the society, the society will send to his house 10 people to pray there upon his death, after 100 years, during the first week. Also the society will see to it that his name will be commemorated by the khazan or the shamash of the Beit Midrash every Sabbath, starting from the first year of his death

23. Whoever is a member of the society based on his contribution up to the week of Torah portion Mishpatim 1909, a big or a small contribution, will be a rightful member of the society, according to the takanot specified above. (Except: women don’t have a membership-right to have-a-say/voice an opinion and participate in elections; in all other rights there is no difference between women and men.) From that date forward, whoever wishes to have all the membership rights, will have to contribute at least 3 rubles. He can pay these 3 rubles in weekly installments. Until paying them in full he will not have the rights specified at #21 and will not have the right to voice an opinion or vote.

24.The members and the supporters of the society undertake – under firm prohibition - not to ever change the name of the society from Gmilut Khassadim of Beit Hamidrash Kobrynner to any other name. Also it is strictly forbidden to transfer the money of the society to any other ownership, not even to another gmilut khassadim. It is the sacred responsibilty of the society to appoint gabais and leaders from among the steady members of this Beit Midrash who are also members of the society, to ensure that the money is kept under the ownership of the people of this Beit Midrash.

25. The honor to be called to read the end of each of the 4 books of the Khumash will be “sold” and the money will be dedicated to the society of gmilut khassadim. [To read on Simkhat Torah the end of the fifth book of the Khumash – one pays more.]

Notes: Portion Mishpatim marks a specific date: the Sabbath of the 25th of Shvat. For example, in 2015: the 14th of February. another gmilut khassadim... that is, another organization with a similar purpose; this implies such organizations were common in Brisk and nearby.

Page Last Updated: 22-Apr-2015